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Monday, December 28, 2020

2021 New Year's Resolutions


This past year has been a doozy. It didn’t take long for all of our New Year’s Resolutions for 2020 to become nearly impossible to complete with isolation orders, businesses closing, and other obstacles. Surely 2021 will be better (right?!), but there’s still a lot of uncertainty, so what are some productive and realistic New Year’s Resolutions for 2021? Understanding the stresses of this past year aren’t past for most people, the focus of this list is adding positivity to your life, compared to trying quit negative things (which adds more stress and may not be realistic).  Here are 8 ideas to get you started!

·         Read 3 more books than you did last year

·         Try 1 new food each month

·         Become a plant owner! Indoor plants are an inexpensive way to better emotional health and air quality of your living space.

·         Drink more water!

·         Already working out? Try listening to books or novels instead of music during your workout!

·         Start or write in more frequently a journal! This can be good for your mental health as well as record your experiences during this historic time.

·         Eating more vegetables is a common resolution, so how about a resolution to eat more citrus fruit! Citrus fruit is full of vitamins and other good stuff our bodies need, plus they are low calory and so tasty.

·         Try meditation and/or yoga to better your physical and mental health. There are many free or low-cost programs to help guide you through meditation/yoga and the benefits include better self-awareness and overall wellness. It also carves out “you alone” time during a time many of us craving alone time because we are inside with our families so much.

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