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Friday, July 31, 2020

Tips to Cope with Covid-19 Stress

It has been a stressful few months for everyone living with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Which is everyone. From worrying about job security, school for the kids, finances, personal health, health of older/younger family members, isolation, and more, mental health is taking a pretty serious hit in many of us.

The good news is there are steps we can take, within our control, to better our mental health during this difficult time. Here are some tips from the Mayo Clinic and other sources:
  • Get enough sleep. And stick to your sleeping routine. It might not seem like a big deal to binge watch Netflix until 2am because you don’t have to get up early in the morning, but this can be very detrimental to your mental health.
  • Participate in regular physical activity. Even if it’s something as a simple as a walk or lifting weights in your apartment! Being outside also helps with mental health, so anything you can while social distancing is a great option.
  • Eat healthy. Maybe your summer bod is taking this year off, but it’s still important to put good foods into your body. Limit sugar/junk food and caffeine, especially if you struggle with anxiety.
  • Limit screen time. Turn off all your electronics each day for an established amount of time, as little as 30 minutes. Screen time has been linked to increased rates in stress and anxiety, something none of us need at this time.
  • Relax and Recharge. Do something that works for you to help you recharge. Meditate, read a book, work on a project that has nothing to do with work, lay in your back yard.
  • Do something for others. The best way to get out of your own head is to focus on helping someone else!

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