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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Three Ways to Celebrate Easter During a Pandemic

Usually Easter is a time for family and friends to gather for religious celebrations and/or Easter egg hunts. But, as with everything else this Spring, Easter is being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic with millions of people, including everyone in Washington State, under Shelter in Place orders. But there are still plenty of ways to celebrate Easter this year; here are three ideas how to make Easter special during quarantine.

1. Tune into religious services virtually. No matter your faith, there are lots of options to listen to sermons and music via the internet. While you can't go out to services, there's no reason you can't hear the good word.

2. Skip the Easter Egg Hunt. All of us in Western Washington are used to being creative with indoor Easter Egg Hunts (because it's usually raining), but that might be particularly difficult during a quarantine. How about skipping the Easter Bunny and inviting the Spring Fairy! The Spring Fairy comes AFTER Easter (and probably takes advantage of the post-Easter sales) and brings a basket of goodies/gifts. Kids never know when the Spring Fairy is going to come and often leaves glitter as evidence of her appearance. Here's a link to some fun ideas!

3. This year seems like the perfect year to try something new. Have you ever colored your Easter eggs with shaving cream? It works and can turn out really cool. Check it out!

What are some ways you are celebrating Easter in quarantine?

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