And PUMPKIN PATCHES at all the local farms!
It isn't really fall until after the traditional visit to one of our amazing local farms that pull out all the stops to make sure visitors have a fall-bulous time. Here are some of our favorite farms and activities with links to their websites:
What we love to do there:
- The corn maze (just make sure you give the kids a cell phone. Or don't...)
- Shop at the country store for our many fall favorite foods
- The Rubber Duck Races at the Farm Fun Yard
- Rodeo Ropin Cows
What we love to do there:
- See the cute animals at this animal sanctuary!
- Pumpkin pie and fresh apple cider from their cafe (what's more fall than that?)
- Tractor hay ride
- Watching the salmon swim up stream in their creek!
What we love to do there:
- Bring your doggo, they're pet friendly! (Remember to scoop the poop)
- 50th anniversary of Man on the Moon corn maze!
- An epic u-pick pumpkin patch
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